
the kENUP foundation

kENUP Foundation was constituted as a lawful purpose foundation ("Public Benefit Foundation") in the Republic of Malta on November 6, 2014, and is registered in the Register of Legal Persons under number LPF-173 as kENUP Foundation.

Since September 13, 2023 kENUP Foundation is enrolled as a Voluntary Organisation under the laws of the Republic of Malta under Identification Number VO/2441. 

On November 21, 2023 the Minister for Finance and Employment of the Republic Malta has authorised that KENUP Foundation is recognised as carrying out philanthropic work for purposes of the Income Tax Act with retrospective effect from January 1, 2020. 

The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, under the oversight of the relevant authorities in the Republic of Malta. The foundation is legally represented by its Executive Chairman. It publishes its activities in the European Transparency Register under ID 934996421910-13, and is the sole shareholder of its investment company kENUP Limited

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